3.0 – Riparian Buffer and Stream Corridor Opportunities
Level II
Gaboury rock riffles or ramps.
Newbury rock riffles are ramps or low weirs with long aprons made from
riprap or small boulders that are constructed at intervals approaching
natural riffle spacing (5 to 7 channel widths). The structures are built
by placing rock fill within an existing channel. The upstream slope of
the rock fill is typically much steeper than the downstream slope, which
creates a longitudinal profile quite similar to natural riffles.
These structures provide limited grade control, pool and riffle habitat,
and visual diversity in otherwise uniform channels.
Newbury riffles are primarily used for habitat enhancement and rehabilitation and not for erosion control. However, a series of well-designed riffles can be used to counteract mild channel bed degradation and erosion. Headcuts exceeding about 1 m (3.3 ft) in height will usually trigger failure of such structures unless they are constructed with features typical of grade control structures such as large, well-protected stilling basins and deeply embedded stone toes and keys.
Useful for Erosion Processes:
Toe erosion with upper bank failure Scour of middle and upper banks by currents
Local scour Erosion of local lenses or layers of noncohesive sediment
Erosion by overbank runoff General bed degradation
Erosion by navigation waves
Erosion by wind waves
Erosion by ice and debris gouging General bank instability or susceptibility to mass slope failure
Spatial Application:
Instream Toe Midbank Top of Bank
Hydrologic / Geomorphic Setting
Resistive Redirective Continuous Discontinuous Outer Bend Inner Bend Incision (mild) Lateral Migration Aggradation Conditions Where Practice Applies:
Most experience with this practice has been in cobble/boulder bed streams (Newbury and Gaboury, 1993a and b), but guidelines are available for gravel bed streams (Newbury et al., 1999). This technique is best suited to adding habitat diversity to an otherwise uniform reach.Complexity:
Design Guidelines / Typical Drawings:
Newbury et al. (1999) encourage the use of surveys of natural rapids and riffles to develop design templates. A 10-step design process based on study of undisturbed or lightly-altered reference reaches is available (Newbury and Gaboury, 1993a and b), but this approach may break down in watersheds where reference reaches are not available or where land use changes have radically altered the hydrology. Many riffles constructed in boulder channels in British Columbia were built with crest heights of 0.6 m (2 ft), upstream face slopes of 1V:4H and downstream slopes of 1V:20H. More gradual slopes were used for riffles in streams in the Midwestern states of the U.S. (Newbury et al., 1999). Riffle crests and downstream surfaces should be V-shaped to direct the flow towards the channel centerline. This reduces bank scour at the riffle site and maintains depth in the center of the downstream pool. Banks should be protected with riprap from the channel centerline up to top bank. Alternative design guidelines are provided by Wittler (1996), who describes design and construction of 11 structures with slopes of 1V:10H and hydraulic head between 0.4 m (1.2 ft) and 0.8 m (2.8 ft) in Muddy Creek, Montana, which has a bed of fine-grained dispersive clay. A geotextile was used underneath the stone structures to prevent leaching of fine material. Wittler suggests an upstream-pointing arch for the planform of the structure instead of a V-shape. Wittler emphasizes excavating the bed and keying in the structure about 1 m (3 ft) below original grade.
Design of grade control structures similar to Newbury riffles but with hydraulic heads between 1 m (3.3 ft) and 1.2 m (4 ft) for a sand-bed stream are described by Tate (1988).
Riffle spacing should be based on natural pool-riffle spacing (usually 5-7 channel widths), but riffles should not be so high or close together that backwater from the downstream pool drowns out critical flow over the upstream riffle during base flows.
Conventional wisdom regarding the hydraulic effect of riffles indicates that they act as broad-crested weirs at low flow, but have little hydraulic effect when they are "drowned out," or deeply submerged by high flows. However, careful measurements made by Walker et al. (2002) in four cobble-gravel bed streams in British Columbia indicated that Newbury riffles had significant effects on head loss during high flows and thus on flood elevations and sediment transport. Hydraulic effects were proportional to riffle amplitude-the vertical distance between adjacent riffle crests.
Newbury Rock Riffles Typical Drawing
Pools and riffles are common features found in natural or lightly altered
streams. Newbury Riffles are intended to replace pool and riffle habitat lost
due to channelization or other types of stream alterations. They provide benthic
habitat and contribute to bed stability. Although the coarse material that comprises
Newbury Riffles is not intended to be mobile during higher flows like natural
riffle material, correctly-designed structures function
similar to
natural features. Post-construction monitoring of Newbury
riffles is highly recommended to ensure that erosion and sedimentation processes
do not negate habitat benefits.
Permissible shear and velocity for rock structures is related to the size
of rock used in construction. Other factors, such as the angularity of the
stone, the thickness of the layers of stone, and the angle at which the faces
of the stone structure are constructed also come into play. See information
regarding stone sizing below under materials and equipment.
A variety of techniques can be used to add bank vegetation and attendant shade
and cover to Newbury riffle projects. Live
Siltation, Live
Brushlayers, Willow
Posts and Poles, Live
stakes, and Live
Fascines may be incorporated into stone bank protection (Vegetated
Riprap) or planted
up- or downstream from riffle structures. Live
Brush Mattresses, Vegetated
Articulated Concrete Blocks, Soil
and Grass Covered Riprap, Vegetated
Gabion Mattress, or Cobble
or Gravel Armor may be used to provide protection
from local scour adjacent to these structures. Vegetated Buffer Strips may
be used to provide additional protection and terrestrial habitat on middle
and upper banks. In some cases, Vanes with J- Hooks, Cross
Vanes, or Boulder
Clusters may be placed in reaches between or adjacent to riffles to enhance
benthic and water column habitats.
Newbury riffles are very natural-looking and provide habitat benefits in otherwise
uniform channels.
Riffles are not suitable for reaches where rapid bed degradation (lowering)
is likely, or where scour depths adjacent to the toe will be greater than the
height of the toe. They should be used with greatest care in channels where
flooding is likely to be an issue (Walker et al., 2002). Use in streams with
channels wider than 50 m (165 ft) is not recommended, and applications to streams
with beds containing significant amounts of material finer than gravel should
be done with great care (Wittler, 1996). Riffles should not be placed in
extremely sluggish or stagnant reaches or those with baseflow depths much greater
than 0.6 m (2 ft).
Stone for the structure should be well graded and properly sized. Newbury
and Gaboury (1993a) built riffles using large (up to 1 m (3.3 ft)) fieldstone
from land adjacent to the channel. Newbury et al. (1999) suggest the following
formula for computing DS, the stone size in cm: DS =
1500HS, where H is the depth of flow in m under design conditions and S is
the slope of the downstream face of the riffle. Using this formula, a riffle
designed for a design flow 2 m (6.5 ft) deep with a downstream slope of 5%
(1V:20H) would require stone with a diameter of 150 cm (4.9 ft). Wittler (1996)
suggests use of formulas by Abt et al. (1988) for minimum and maximum stone
size. Median stone size, D50 (in ft), is given by
where q = discharge per unit width (discharge/crest width) in ft3/s/ft,
and S is the slope of the downstream face of the ramp in ft/ft. For a total
discharge of 91 m3/s (3,200 ft3/s) and a width of 7.6 m (25
ft), and a ramp slope of 10%, the above equation gives D50 of 0.7 m (2.4
Riffles may be constructed using track hoes with buckets large enough to accommodate the stone sizes selected for construction. Loaders and dump trucks are usually needed for hauling stones.
14. COST
Twenty-one Newbury riffles were constructed in the East Fork of Mill Creek,
Butler County, Ohio in 2000 for $52,500 plus the cost of stone ($25 per US
ton). The channel was about 20 m (35 ft) wide.
Six Newbury riffles were constructed in the South Branch of the Waukegan River, in Waukegan, Illinois, in 1996 for $17,600 (material, equipment and labor) (Newbury et al., 1999). Channel width was about 6 m (20 ft).
Twenty-seven riffles were constructed in Mink Creek, British Columbia in 1985-1986 (Newbury and Gaboury, 1993a and b), using locally-available fieldstone, which was free, and machine rentals, which cost $20,500 in 1986 dollars. The channel was about 22 m (73 ft) wide by 1.6 m (5 ft) deep.
Features that should be monitored are similar to those for all stone structures:
loss of stone due to subsidence, leaching of underlying sediments, and raveling
or excessive loss of stone due to scour. Monitoring fish and invertebrate populations
and habitat variables is recommended.
Riffles may be weakened if stones are undersized and are removed during high
flows. Also, riffles may be flanked during extremely high flows if tiebacks
are spaced too widely or are constructed with inadequate amounts of stone.
Extreme scour or bed lowering on the downstream end of the structure can lead
to progressive or sudden failure as the scour migrates through the riffle.
Riffles should be used with greatest care in actively incising channels, channels
with beds finer than cobble, and in urbanizing watersheds.
Three case studies based on Canadian streams are provided by Newbury and
Gaboury (1993a, pp. 93-148). An additional case study of an urban stream
in the US is provided by Newbury et al. (1999) pp. 5-25 through 5-38.
More information is needed regarding hydraulic and ecological design criteria
for unstable streams with bed material finer than coarse gravel.
Abt, S.R., Wittler, R.J., Ruff, J.F., LaGrone, D.L., Khattak, M.S., Nelson, J.D., Hinkle, N.E., & D.W. Lee, (1988). Development of Riprap Design Criteria by Riprap Testing in Flumes: Phase II. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-4651, Washington, DC., May 113.
Newbury, R. W. & Gaboury, M. N. (1993a). Newbury Hydraulics Ltd. The Manitoba Stream analysis and fish habitat design: A field manual. Habitat Heritage Corp., Manitoba Fisheries branch, Gibsons, B.C., Canada.
Newbury, R. W. & Gaboury, M. W. (1993b). Exploration and rehabilitation of hydraulic habitats in streams using principles of fluvial behavior. Freshwater Biology 29:195-210.
Newbury, R. W., Gaboury, M. W., and Watson, C. (1999). Field manual of urban stream restoration. Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, Illinois.
Tate, C. H. (1988). Muddy Creek grade control structures, Muddy Creek, Mississippi and Tennessee. Technical Report HL-88-11, US Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg , Miss.
Walker, D. R., Millar, R. G., & Newbury, R. W. (2002). Hydraulic and design aspects of constructed rock riffles in gravel-cobble bed rivers. In D. Bousmar and Y. Zech, eds. River Flow 2002, Proceedings of the international conference on fluvial hydraulics. A. A. Balkema Publishers, Tokyo, pp. 497-506.
Wittler, R. J. (1996). Features of a chevron weir rock ramp. Proceedings of the North American Water and Environment Congress. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virg., CD-ROM.