1.0 – River Training
Level I
Longitudinal peaked stone toe protection (LPSTP) with short spurs.
Longitudinal stone toe (described by Maynord, 1994) has proven cost-effective
in protecting lower banks and creating conditions leading to stabilization
and revegetation of steep, caving banks (Shields, Bowie et al., 1995).
However, a large body of evidence indicates that intermittent structures
such as spurs tend to provide aquatic habitats superior to those adjacent
to continuous structures like stone toe (Shields, Cooper, & Testa, 1995;
Kuhnle et al., 1999). This technique represents an effort to achieve erosion
control benefits available from stone toe and habitat benefits associated
with spurs. One installation has been described and studied (Shields et al.,
1997 and 1998) and this report describes the use of LST with Bendway Weirs
(McCullah, J. and Hanford D.,
Bank stabilization and aquatic habitat enhancement and rehabilitation.
Useful for Erosion Processes:
Toe erosion with upper bank failure Scour of middle and upper banks by currents Local scour Erosion of local lenses or layers of noncohesive sediment Erosion by overbank runoff General bed degradation Headcutting Piping Erosion by navigation waves Erosion by wind waves Erosion by ice and debris gouging General bank instability or susceptibility to mass slope failure
Spatial Application:
Instream Toe Midbank Top of Bank
Hydrologic / Geomorphic Setting
Resistive Redirective Continuous Discontinuous Outer Bend Inner Bend Incision Lateral Migration Aggradation Conditions Where Practice Applies:
Generally, longitudinal stone toe with spurs is applicable to the same areas which longitudinal stone toe protection is appropriate (see Technique: Longitudinal Stone Toe). The spurs have the added environmental benefits of scour pool formation, edge effects etc. And the spurs can successfully redirect the higher flows away from the bank. The use of this practice should be restricted to reaches with a stable bed and where toe erosion is the primary erosional process. The practice may be used where development of pool habitat and cover is needed. Construction of longitudinal stone toes reduces disturbance of the banks and channel and allows steep, high banks to fail behind the toe to create a stable bank angle. The channel must, however, be wide enough to accommodate spurs. If the stream is not wide enough or the spurs are relatively long, undesirable erosion may occur on the opposite bank.
In addition, stone toe is well-suited for banks experiencing general slope instability. The toe is placed far enough from the top bank so that failure of the bank produces a stable angle (Figure 1). The stone provides additional loading and armoring of the toe to ensure that the newly formed bank is not undermined. Establishment of vegetation on the new bank just landward of the stone toe is essential for long term success.
Longitudinal stone toe can be applied in some situations where the bankline needs to be built back out into the stream, where the existing stream channel needs to be realigned, where the outer bank alignment makes abrupt changes (scallops, coves, or elbows), or where the stream is not otherwise smoothly aligned.
Moderate. Design is simple, usually consisting of layout and specification of a certain rate of stone application for the toe (for example, 1,000 kg/m (666.7 lb/ft)). Spur design is slightly more complex. Local conditions that require filter layers or working around existing infrastructure may complicate matters.
Design Specifications / Typical Drawings:
Spurs may be incorporated in initial design or added to existing toe. Design details (angle, crest elevation, spacing, length) may follow typical values used for Spur Dikes (angle may vary from perpendicular to approach flow to ~15° upstream, spur spacing should be about 1.5 times their length, and length should be about 1/3 the baseflow width), but crests should not be higher than stone toe crests. A review of design guidelines is found in HEC-23 (Lagasse et al. 1997). Kuhnle et al. (1999) studied the relationship between the geometry of a single spur placed in a straight movable-bed flume and concluded that scour hole size (and thus pool habitat volume) is greater for longer spurs, and present empirical formulas for predicting spur scour hole depth and volume. Spurs placed on sand beds devoid of gravel may subside as sand is washed from beneath the stone (Shields, Cooper, Knight, 1995). This problem may be addressed by placing filter fabric or a filter layer of finer stone underneath the stone spur.Longitudinal stone toe side slopes should be equal to the angle of repose. Typically stone toe applied at a rate of 3 metric tons of stone per lineal m (1 T/ft) of protected bank will have a height of approximately 1 m (3 ft). Stone toe constructed with 6 metric tons per m (2 T/ft) stands approximately 1.5 m (5 ft) tall, whereas 1.5 metric tons/m (0.5 T/ft) is approximately 0.6 m (2 ft) tall.
Longitudinal stone toe must be keyed deeply into the bank at both the upstream and downstream ends (terminal key trenches) and at regular intervals along its entire length (tiebacks). On small streams, 25- 30 m (75-100 ft) spacing between keys (tie-backs) is typical, while on larger streams and smaller rivers, one or two multiples of the channel width can be used as a spacing guide. Excavation of trenches for keys provides a good opportunity for deep planting willow (Salix spp) posts or poles (Figure 3). The toe itself does not need to be keyed into the streambed because of its ability to "self-launch". However, in areas where the bed of the stream is uneven or deep scour holes are evident, the crest of the structure should be constructed to a specific elevation.
The terminal key trenches at the upstream and downstream ends should be excavated into the bank at an angle of approximately 30° with the primary flow direction and of sufficient length that flows will not be able to get around them during the design storm. A gentle angle is important for the end keyways, often referred to as "refusals", because it allows for smooth flow transitions coming into and flowing out of the treated reach. The terminal keys or "refusals" oriented at 90° to the bank have resulted in many failures at the downstream end of the structure, due to flow expansion at that point (Derrick, personal communication, 2000).
Spurs and toe create geometrically complex water/shore interface conditions
that mimic the stable substrate, velocity shelter, and cover provided by large
woody debris in lightly degraded streams. In addition, spurs create scour holes
that may provide stable pool habitats. However, Shields et al. (1998) reported
that the main effect of an experimental installation of toes added to spurs
was to increase habitat volume by making the baseflow channel wider. Only modest
changes in water depth and width resulted, but overall habitat quality improved.
Fish populations responded more strongly than physical variables, shifting
away from a structure typical of degraded habitats dominated by large numbers
of small forage fish toward one more typical of less degraded conditions that
included larger game fish.
Steep, eroding bank prior to treatment |
The same bank about five years after stabilization using longitudinal stone toe without spurs. Vegetation is a mix of plantings and natural succession. |
Almost any hydraulic loading may be accommodated by correctly sizing rock.
For example, Escarameia (1998) provides an example problem where stone size
for protecting banks in a channel downstream of a weir with depths = 2.5 m
(8.2 ft) and velocity close to the bank = 3.5 m/s (11.5 ft/s) is computed using
several design approaches. Results of all of the approaches approximate D50 = 0.6 m (2 ft).
Since protection is limited to toe region, erosion problems on the face
of middle and upper banks are not directly addressed. Toe protection does
not provide grade control or bed stabilization. Fully natural, revegetated
bankline will not develop as long as stone is in place.
Front end loaders, track hoes, dump trucks, and other heavy equipment similar
to that used to construct any stone structure. Appropriately sized rock or
self-launching stone.
The only clearing and grading required is for access, as the stone toe is placed on the bed, not on the banks.
A reasonable relative cost to riprap for longitudinal stone toe with spurs is 0.8. Shields et al. (1998) reported that addition of spurs to existing toe increased the tonnage of stone required for stabilization by only 16%. Stone toe placed along smaller streams generally requires 3 to 6 tons per m (1 - 2 tons per linear ft) of structure.
Costs are dependent on cost of stone, hauling, and amount of stone used. Including stone for keys and tie-backs, typically 110 to 130 metric tons (120 to 140 tons) of stone will be used for each 30 m (100 ft) of protected bank when toe is placed at a rate of 3 metric tons per lineal m (1 ton/ft and 1 m high) of protected bank. Based on typical unit costs for stone of $14.00 to $25.00 per ton of Self-Launching Stone and $20 to $60 per ton of standard riprap rock, (including delivery and placement), the cost for this type of bank protection ranges from $150 per m to $350 per m of protected bank.
Similar to any stone structure. Structures must be monitored for subsidence
or spalling indicating undermining or transport of stone due to high turbulence
and velocities. Endpoints should be checked for flanking, particularly after
high flows.
Poor choice of structure alignment, crest elevations, or endpoints are
typically indicated in failures. Additional features that should be monitored
are similar to those for all stone structures: loss of stone due to subsidence,
leaching of underlying sediments, raveling or excessive launching. Extreme
scour or bed lowering on the stream side of the toe can cause the entire
mass of stone to launch, creating an opening or gap in the longitudinal
structure. If this situation is anticipated or encountered, the problem
can be remedied by adding more rock for additional width.
The longitudinal stone toe may be flanked during extremely high flows if the key trenches are incorrectly built or if the tiebacks are spaced too widely apart or are constructed with inadequate amounts of stone. Terminal keyways or “refusals” oriented at 90° to the bank have resulted in many failures at the downstream end of the structure, due to flow expansion at that point (Derrick, Personal Communication, 2000). A gentle angle is important for the end keyways. These terminal key trenches at the upstream and downstream ends should be excavated into the bank at an angle of approximately 30° with the primary flow direction and of sufficient length that flows will not be able to get around them during the design storm.
See Shields et al. (1998).
More quantitative algorithms are needed for selecting toe spur design
parameters-crest elevation, length, angle, width and spur spacing in
order to achieve design goals of channel alignment control, bank protection,
and pool habitat creation. Software tools that allow quick economic analysis
of adding various numbers and sizes of toe spurs would be helpful.
Escarameia, M. (1998). River and channel revetments. Thomas Telford, Ltd., London.
Kuhnle, R. A., Alonso, C. V., & Shields, F. D., Jr. (1999). Volume of scour holes associated with 90-degree spur dikes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 125(9):972-978.
Lagasse, P. F., Byars, M. S., Zevenbergen, L. W. & Clopper,
P. E. (1997). Bridge scour and stream instability countermeasures: Experience,
selection and design guidance. (Hydraulic Engineering Circular No.
23, FHWA HI 97-030), Washington, D. C., pp. 1.3-1.11. (pdf)
Maynord, S. T. (1994). Toe scour protection methods. In: Hydraulic
Engineering '94, G. V. Controneo and R. R. Rumer (eds.) American Society
of Civil Engineers, New York, New York 1025-1029.
Maynord, S. T. (1995). Corps riprap design guidance for channel protection.
In C. R. Thorne, S. R. Abt, F. B. J. Barends, S. T. Maynord, and K. W.
Pilarczyk. (eds.). River, coastal and shoreline protection: erosion
control using riprap and armourstone. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.,
Chichester, U. K., 41-42.
Shields, F. D., Jr., Bowie, A. J., & Cooper, C. M. (1995). Control
of streambank erosion due to bed degradation with vegetation and structure. Water
Resources Bulletin 31(3):475-489. (pdf)
Shields, F. D., Jr., & Cooper, C. M. (1997). Stream Habitat Restoration
Using Spurs Added to Stone Toe Protection. In S. Y. Wang, E. Langendoen,
and F. D. Shields, Jr., (eds.) Management of Landscapes Disturbed by
Channel Incision, Stabilization, Rehabilitation, and Restoration,
Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering, University of Mississippi,
University, Mississippi. 667-672. (pdf)
Shields, F. D., Jr., Cooper, C. M., & Knight, S. S. (1995). Experiment in Stream Restoration. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 121(6): 494-502. (pdf)
Shields, F. D., Jr., Cooper, C. M., & Knight, S. S. (1998). Addition of spurs to stone toe protection for warmwater fish habitat rehabilitation. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 34(6):1427-1436.
Shields, F. D., Jr., Cooper, C. M., & Testa, S. (1995). Towards
greener riprap: environmental considerations from micro- to macroscale. In
C. R. Thorne, S. R. Abt, F. B. J. Barends, S. T. Maynord, & K W. Pilarczyk.
(eds.). River, coastal and shoreline protection: erosion control
using riprap and armourstone. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester,
U. K., 557-574. (pdf)