4.0 – Slope Stabilization
Level II
None known.
Live pole drains are drainage systems composed of bundles of live willow (Salix spp) branches (live fascines or willow wattles) placed in areas where excess soil moisture results in soil instability. They are intended to drain excess water away from an unstable bank.
Live Pole Drains collect subsurface drainage and concentrated surface flow and channel it to the base of the bank. Once established, their draining function is increased, as the plants absorb much of the water that is conducted along their stems. Because they are long and fibrous, the bundles act like a conduit. The water will take the path of least resistance, in this case, running down the bundle. Soon the willow will begin to root and sprout. The developed root system acts like filter fabric, stabilizing fine particles and reducing piping and sapping.
Useful for Erosion Processes:
Toe erosion with upper bank failure Scour of middle and upper banks by currents Local scour Erosion of local lenses or layers of noncohesive sediment Erosion by overbank runoff General bed degradation Headcutting Piping Erosion by navigation waves Erosion by wind waves Erosion by ice and debris gouging General bank instability or susceptibility to mass slope failure
Spatial Application:
Instream Toe Midbank Top of Bank
Hydrologic / Geomorphic Setting
(Not Applicable. This is a top of bank treatment)
Resistive Redirective Continuous Discontinuous Outer Bend Inner Bend Incision Lateral Migration Aggradation Conditions Where Practice Applies:
Live pole drains are most applicable on streambanks and slopes where excessive soil moisture is causing piping, erosion or slumping. Live pole drains tend to be used most frequently on outer bends.Complexity:
Design Specifications / Typical Drawings:
When designing a project, one must decide whether to use willow wattles or live fascines. Both are constructed of the same size poles, and in the same manner, with the exception of the orientation of the cuttings. Fascines have all the cuttings oriented one way (all butt ends together), while wattles are composed of poles oriented in both directions.
The use of live fascines will facilitate rooting, as cuttings grow best when the tips are pointed uphill. The use of willow wattles, on the other hand, will provide more efficient drainage, as half of the tapering tips are pointed downward, but rooting success will likely be lower. Therefore, one must decide whether the goal of the project is drainage or plant establishment.
Live pole drains have been used successfully in British Columbia for years, especially for treating slumping road cuts on glacial till slopes. The excess water running through the bundle was outleted at the toe of the slope safely, without contributing to additional slope failure. David Polster, of Polster Environmental Services (personal communication, 2001), illustrated the longevity of live pole drains. Polster showed photographs of sites treated with these structures. During the first year, water can be observed draining through the bottom of the bundle, and some new sprouts are also seen. During the second year, the gully is completely revegetated and water is still observed draining through the bundle. By year four, the entire cut slope is covered with a large willow bush, while still draining excess water (D. Polster, personal communication, 2001).
Live Pole Drain Typical Drawing
Live Pole Drains can safely drain excessive water off of the slope, while
the fibrous root system adds mechanical strength, anchoring the soil in
An additional environmental benefit is supporting and establishing some
riparian vegetation on the streambank.
Not applicable.
Live Stakes are frequently used to anchor Pole Drains. Live fascines placed
on a slight gradient and tied into a central pole drain can be used as "tributary"
or collector drains to improve the collection/drainage efficiency of the
pole drain (see typical drawing).
Live pole drains provide drainage and stabilization immediately after installation,
and once established, produce roots, which further stabilize bank and levee
slopes. Pole drains and tributary fascines provide vegetative cover, shade
the stream, and are a source of carbon and large woody debris (McCullah,
2002). In addition, sediment deposition increases the rooting success and
efficacy of the pole drain;
as opposed
to slotted drain pipe, which
gets clogged, and must be cleared when excessive sediment is deposited. Sotir
and Fischenich (2001) also claim that willow fascines can "assimilate
contaminants within the water column and reduce non-point pollution by intercepting
sediment and attached pollutants coming into the stream from flow and overbank
Live pole drains work best if installed when willows are dormant; if they
are installed during the summer, irrigation may be required. This technique
is labor-intensive and requires large quantities of plant material (Schiechtl
and Stern, 1996).
Live pole drains should not be used in well-established drainage channels,
as they will not increase drainage, but will plug the channel and cause erosion
as the channel adjusts to the increased capacity.
Fascines with axial subdrains should be considered as an alternative to live
pole drains in swales or slope depressions that are saturated and that intercept
and convey large amounts of subsurface groundwater or seepage. These axial
drains extend to greater depths and have a much higher drainage capacity than
pole drains.
Live Pole Drains are essentially willow wattles or fascines constructed
with longer than usual poles, with many of the branches left on (for construction
specifications of these, see Technique: Live
Fascines), live willow stakes or construction stakes, or a
combination of the two.
Place the wattles or fascines in an excavated trench or existing drainage gully in an area of seepage, such that they intercept and control excess moisture on the bank (McCullah, 2002). Key the bundles into each other by jamming the ends together firmly and stake into place with live or inert stakes at 1-2 m (3-6 ft) intervals (Sloan, 2001). Stakes should be placed near rope ties and in transitional areas for additional support.
14. COST
Live fascine cost in year 2000 dollars: $33 to $100 per m for 15-20 cm diameter bundles ($10 - $30 per ft for 6 in - 8 in diameter bundles), installed (Sotir and Fischenich, 2001). Other sources vary from 0.5-1.0 work hour per linear m (3 linear ft) (McCullah, 2002) to 1.0-3.0 work hours per linear m (3 linear ft) (Schiechtl and Stern, 1996).
Regular inspection and maintenance of wattle installations should be
conducted, particularly during the first year, and repairs should be made
promptly. Any stakes that loosen because of saturation of the slope or
frost action should be re-installed. Rills and gullies around or under
wattles should be repaired using brushlayers and Live Gully Fill Repair
as necessary (See Techniques: Live
Brushlayering, and Live
Gully Fill Repair). All temporary and permanent erosion and
sediment control practices should be maintained and repaired to assure
continued performance of their intended function.
Using a subsurface drainage technique, e.g., Live Pole Drains, when a
surface runoff control measure is necessary.
None Identified.
McCullah, J. A. (2002). Bio Draw 2.0. Salix Applied Earthcare, Redding, CA
McCullah, J. A. (2000) Stafford Slide Biotechnical Erosion Control Project http://www.salixaec.com/stafford.htm.
Schiechtl, H. M.& Stern, R. (1996). Ground Bioengineering Techniques for Slope Protection and Erosion Control. Blackwell Science. London, England.
Sloan, R. (2001). Modified Brush Layers and Live Pole Drains for Landslide Reclamation, Erosion Control, July/August pp. 44-47.
Sotir, R. B.& Fischenich, J. C. (2001). Live and Inert Fascine Streambank
Erosion Control EMRRP Technical Notes Collection (ERDC TN-EMRRP-SR-31),
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS (pdf)