1.0 – River Training
Level II
Bendway restoration, re-meandering, channel reconstruction.
Meanders are broad, looping (sinuous) bends in a stream channel. Meandering is a form of slope adjustment with more sinuous channel paths leading to decreased reach slope. Fluvial and ecological functions are integrally related to the highly diverse spatial and temporal patterns of depth, velocity, bed material and cover found in meanders. Meander restoration consists of reconstructing meandering channels that have been straightened by humans.
Historically, thousands of channels have been straightened to facilitate construction of roadways, bridges, and other types of transportation facilities. In some cases, ecological functions may be restored by returning the channel to a new or previous alignment. Meandering alignments may also increase visual diversity and may be perceived as more natural.
If the existing channel is eroding, particularly due to excessive channel bed slope, relocation into a new, meandering alignment may ameliorate bed erosion processes. However, new erosion along the outer (concave) bank is likely, and site-specific problems are also possible, depending upon local flow and drainage patterns and soils encountered by the new channel.
Useful for Erosion Processes:
Toe erosion with upper bank failure Scour of middle and upper banks by currents Local scour Erosion of local lenses or layers of noncohesive sediment Erosion by overbank runoff General bed degradation Headcutting Piping Erosion by navigation waves Erosion by wind waves Erosion by ice and debris gouging General bank instability or susceptibility to mass slope failure
Spatial Application:
Instream Toe Midbank Top of Bank
Hydrologic / Geomorphic Setting
Resistive Redirective Continuous Discontinuous Outer Bend Inner Bend Incision Lateral Migration Aggradation Conditions Where Practice Applies:
Meander restoration is useful when channels have been straightened, channelized or relocated by man. Land area is needed to re-establish the meandering right of way and valley topography must be consistent with meander re-establishment. In many cases, channel straightening is associated with channel deepening due to channelization or incision, and the beds of old meanders are several meters higher than current channel beds.
High, due to the difficulty of predicting erosion and deposition.
Design Guidelines / Typical Drawings:
Design of meander restorations requires careful analysis of erosion and sedimentation issues. Shields (1996) reviews four methods for designing meander restorations. Since increasing channel sinuosity also decreases bed slope, careful analysis of sedimentation and erosion issues is required to insure the stability and/or adequate low flow conveyance of the new channel and adjacent reaches. In some cases, it may prove wise to excavate a new, meandering channel, but allow several years for vegetation to develop on the banks prior to diverting flows into the new channel. Otherwise, structural erosion protection may be required. If the existing channel provides a shorter, steeper path for high flows, structural measures may also be required to prevent recapture of the stream by erosion of the fill in the old channel entrance during high flows.
Meander Restoration Typical Drawing
Few natural channels are straight, and stream corridor communities are adjusted to the physical patterns typical of meanders (FISRWG, 1998). Deep pools usually occur along the concave bank near the apex of the bend, while shallow flows are found in riffles at points of inflection between bends and across the tips of point bars opposite concave banks. Coarse bed material collects at riffles in gravelly streams, providing essential habitat for many types of aquatic animals. Gradual erosion of concave banks injects large woody debris into the channel, while fresh sediment deposits on opposite bars are colonized by pioneering species, triggering successional sequences leading to high levels of plant diversity. Well-designed meandering channels are more stable, provide a greater variety of flow conditions and aquatic habitat diversity, and are visually more appealing than straight channels. The greater variety of flow conditions also enhances recreational boating and rafting opportunities.
Not applicable.
9. COMBINATION OPPORTUNITIESLarge-scale stream corridor restoration, various types of protection and revegetation measures, particularly on the outside of the new bend(s).
10. ADVANTAGESMeandering alignments are visually appealing, ecologically valuable, and may be more sustainable over the long term than straight alignments that are subject to erosion and deposition because they are not compatible with the hydrology of adjacent reaches.
11. LIMITATIONSMeander restoration is useful when land is available to re-create meandering alignments for channels that have been previously straightened, realigned, or relocated. Since channel response to meander restoration is difficult to predict with precision, application should be limited to sites where the probability of loss of life or severe damage to adjacent structures due to failure is very small. Furthermore, this technique is poorly suited to unstable (e.g., braided or incising) streams. In most cases, meander restoration should not be attempted unless resources are available for regular maintenance.
12. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENTEarthmoving equipment or dredge plant is needed to excavate meandering channels.
13. CONSTRUCTION / INSTALLATIONIf possible, construction should be scheduled during low flow periods, avoiding sensitive time windows such as spawning or migratory periods. If riparian vegetation is to provide bank stability for the new meandering channel, it may be advantageous to construct the restored meander in the dry and allow several growing seasons for bank vegetation to develop before diverting flow into the new channel.
Costs for channel relocation vary with site conditions. Costs for excavation and removal of material to create the new channel are a major factor, but costs for relocations of existing drainage ways and infrastructure facilities may exceed other costs.
Restored meanders may be monitored visually and using cross-section and
thalweg surveys to insure that physical stability is not threatened by
erosion or sedimentation. In some cases, monitoring should extend up- or
downstream. Additional monitoring may include physical aquatic habitat,
fish, and macroinvertebrates.
Restored meanders often have lower flow and sediment transport capacity
than upstream, straightened reaches. Without frequent maintenance, sediment
plugs may form in the restored meander or in the reach immediately upstream.
If a stream is diverted from a straight channel into a restored meander,
measures such as re-filling the straight channel or constructing sills
at the junction of the two channels may be needed to prevent recapture
of the stream by the straight channel.
Hunt and Graham (1975) provide a description of design of a successful
meander restoration on the Clark Fork River in connection with highway
construction in Montana (also described by Shields, 1982). Additional cases
are described by Brookes and Shields (1996).
Please visit the Photo Gallery for some pictures.
Low-cost techniques are needed for managing discontinuities in sediment
transport capacity in stream channels.
Brookes, A., Knight, S. S., & Shields, F. D., Jr. (1996). River
Channel Restoration. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, U. K.,
Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Working Group (FISRWG) (1998). Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices. GPO Item No. 0120-A; SuDocs No. A 57.6/2:EN 3/PT.653. ISBN-0-934213-59-3. (pdf)
Hunt, W. A. & Graham, R. O. (1975). Evaluation of channel changes for fish habitat. American Society of Civil Engineers National Convention Meeting Reprint No. 2535, ASCE, New York.
Shields, F. D., Jr. (1982). Environmental features for flood control channels. Technical Report EL 82-7, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, 133 pp.
Shields, F. D., Jr. (1996). Hydraulic and Hydrologic Stability. Chapter 2 in A. Brookes, & F. D. Shields, Jr. (Eds.) River Channel Restoration. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, U. K., 103-126.